Delmont had the same beginning as did most of the towns in South Dakota - the railroad.
Because of that railroad, places for marketing and purchasing of supplies were needed. And this is the beginning. Mr. Tom Ball plotted a town site and the first train passed through on November 20, 1886.
Gradually little stores and homes were built and, of course, a school, and churches. The first school was northeast of the present school, the next school was a two-story four-room structure located where the city park is today. It didn't take long to out-grow that building, too. In 1922 the present school was erected and is still in use today for the kindergarten through fourth grade students of Tripp and Delmont.
In its early days Delmont was a very busy bustling city. And like all cities, there were many firsts. Some of those firsts include: boarding houses and places to eat for the men of the railroad construction crew; the first depot agent was Newell Swift; first general store and post office -- owner and postmaster Al Taylor; first newspaper, the Delmont Record, edited by S. Daily; the first of five elevators was built by J.M. Doyle; first lumberyard owned by Mr. Lavaki; first bank building built in 1900 by William Moore; first brick building in Delmont was the Delmont Bank built in 1903 (now the City Finance Office); the first telephone system was established by Ernest Weiland, who erected more businesses and residences than any other man in Delmont. The town of Delmont was incorporated on March 8, 1913, with A.M. Shaw being elected as first mayor on April 15, 1913.
1. When the railroad crew first came to Delmont, the workers were somewhat shocked and embarrassed. They thought the citizens were stark crazy or that they discovered one of our now popular nudist colonies. The citizens of Delmont were running around in the cold November air with little or nothing on, flapping their arms to keep warm. The reason for this was the fact that the town had been hit by a scourge of lice, and the people were getting rid of them by dipping their clothing in boiling water and hanging them on Wilson's fence to dry. The fence seemed to be nothing but a blanket of clothing.
2. The Delmont Volunteer Fire Department was organized on November 23, 1903.
3. Chris Breitbach was granted the franchise to install electricity in the town. The first current was turned on July 10, 1910.
4. On February 13, 1913, Christian and Bert Singer were given the right to construct, operate, and maintain a telephone system. Minimum charges to be not less than $10.00 and maximum charges would be no more than $25.00 a year.
5. On March 4, 1913, Chris Breitbach was ordained to maintain an electric light and power plant. On November 15, 1926, Northwestern Public Service was ordained to supply electricity to the City of Delmont, South Dakota.
6. The first annual amateur tournament will be given in Delmont by the Delmont Gun Club on Tuesday, July 29, 1913. It will be an occasion in sports in that line for the first time in the Gate City of Douglas County, to engage in a clay bird shoot. It is anticipated that a large number will be here on this occasion and our city will be honored with the liveliest bunch that ever visited?
7. Dec. 3, 1914- Delmont Telephone Co., under the management of B. Singer, is making some great improvements. They now have the telephone poles and wire on the side streets and alleys. The poles and wires on Main Street have all been removed, to the improvement of appearance. What is more, the city did not order this done, but the pride of the company caused the change.
8. According to the March 8, 1917 Delmont Record City Proceedings: Henry Jonansen was paid $50 a month salary for City Marshal. Three steel cots for the jail were purchased at the J.D. Hand Furniture Store.
9. July 23, 1953- The front of the Delmont Mercantile Co. building is undergoing extensive remodeling this week. Work began Monday morning with a crew of four men from Tripp. Mr. Lee Williams, owner, stated that a section of the new front will be stucco. The Former small entry-way was eliminated and the door was set out to give them more room in their grocery store.
10. July 26, 1973- The Delmont Jr. Legion Baseball defeated Platte, 12 - 10 Wed., July 11 at Platte. Platte started the scoring with seven runs in the first inning. Both teams got two runs in the second inning and one run in the third inning. Delmont got two runs in the fourth inning and one run in the seventh inning to get the victory. (Thanks to H & L Adel for providing the following names of team members who participated in the above mentioned tournament: D. Jerke, C. Buhler, R. Kornder, B. Gill, D. Goehring, C. Struck, J. Hanten, G. Adel, D. Mokros, D. Peters, B. Lagg, K. Geidel, and ?. Heisinger.)